
Psychedelic Preparation/Integration

Entheogens hold immense power to open us up in ways unlike anything we’ve ever known. The experience itself has the capacity to change our lives dramatically- however many find that the insights, healings and changes don’t last. Together, we will help contextualize your psychedelic journeys with preparation and post-integration, often utilizing the tools of EFT, IFS, breathwork and microdosing education.

Preparing for journeys is immensely important. Imagine hopping straight onto a treadmill that is running at maximum speed. There is a required amount of strength, agility and presence to keep up without being thrown off and onto your butt. Psychedelic journeys can have a similar kind of intensity, that without proper preparation can leave someone feeling overwhelmed and disorganized through their journey itself. Together, we can start to engage the story of your life and layers of your being, opening and expanding the contracted spaces within and creating more flexibility before you engage with psychedelic medicines.

Integration is just as important as preparation, if not more. Entheogens will not do the work for you, but they will help you to release old energies, open to new possibilities, and see life and your Self from an expanded perspective. After the journey is when the real work begins. My intention is to help you connect with the material that arose during your journey and to help you weave the various parts of mind, body, spirt and soul into a cohesive whole.

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